How does it work

Book a booth

You book a booth for 7, 14, 21 or 28 days by clicking here. After booking you receive an email with information on how you log into mínar síður”, where you can start registering your products into our sales system.



Product registration

When you have logged into mínar síður on you can start registering your products and price them. This is done by going into Products and click "add" or by clicking here.

You register your product with a descriptive name such as "White All Saints Sweater" or "Black Dr. Marteins Shoes", Size, Booth Number and Price.



Register bank account information

So we can deposit your sales profit you have to register your bank account for deposit.

Account information is registered by clicking "User" and then your email address. There you can add Bank (Banki "0123"), Ledger (Höfuðbók "26"), Account (Reikningur "001234") and we deposit your sales profit after we subtract our commission (20%) into your account within 48 hours after your rental period expires.

Attention! We can not pay out your profits unless you register this information.



Your first day

Your show up at Þórunnartúni 2 between 11:00 AM 12:00 PM on the first day of your rental period. Upon your arrival we hand you a tag gun, tags, barcodes and anti theft tags to tag your items.

If the time between 11:00 and 12:00 does not suit you we ask of you to contact us and we'll find a suitable time for you to come and tag your products.



Product photos

We encourage all our vendors to photograph their items and share them on our for sale Facebook page Hringekjan - Til Sölu”, this will increase your products visibility. We provide facilities for photography while you tag your products.



Track your sales

You can track your sales by going to "Mínar Síður", there you should see "Line items" which will list your sales in real time.



Price change and discounts

You are free to change a products price during you rental period. You can change your products price by going to "Mínar Síður" at, you go to "Products" where you can choose the product you intend to change the price of. 

Because all products are tagged with a barcode, description and price, a new label has to be printed so the product will display it's right price after change. You are free to stop by any time and have us print a new label for you to place on the tag of your product.

If you want to give a discount on all products in your booth it is best to contact us directly through our Facebook page  or via email at and we will place your desired discount on all products in your booth. 

If you have products that you do not wish to discount, you are free remove any product prior to applying the discount.



Last day

On the last day of your rental period, we take down your booth and put it in storage. You can pick up your items that did not sell between 17:00 and 18:00 on your last day or between 11:00 and 12:00 the following day. If your items are not picked up by noon the day after your rental ends we charge 2.000kr storage fee and for each started day after that. If you something unexpected happens and you can not pick up your items at these times, contact us and we will help you find a solution.



Á bakvið KRHA stendir hönnuðinn Kristrún Rut Hassing Antonsdóttur en Kristrún leggur áherslu á sjálfbærni, endurvinnslu og skapandi litasamsetningar.

Hver flík er handgerð og endurunnin úr ónýttum vörum sem falla til í Hringekjunni. Hönnunin dregur innblástur úr bretta/bóhem tísku.




seamSTRESS er slow fashion verkefnið hennar Isabelle Bailey, saumakonu.

Hún einblínir á að hanna og sauma fatnað úr notaðri vefnaðarvöru sem myndi annars lenda í gám; svo sem gömul föt eða efnisleifar af ýmsu tagi.


Hring eftir hring

Jón sæmundur

Jón Sæmundur hefur tekið að sér að myndskreyta leðurjakka sem hafa safnast hjá okkur og er hver og einn jakki einstakur.