Products that are discontinued
We are happy to announce that we now ship our products to any country! Now you can easily find unique treasures in our online store, no matter where you live...
We are happy to announce that we now ship our products to any country! Now you can easily find unique treasures in our online store, no matter where you live...
We've all stood in front of our closet and thought, "I have nothing to wear!" Even though it's full of clothes. But what if the solution lies in going through...
We've all stood in front of our closet and thought, "I have nothing to wear!" Even though it's full of clothes. But what if the solution lies in going through...
Are you a skilled seamstress and ready to take on the challenge? It's a great advantage to be able to sew, alter, improve, and simply recreate old garments, thus extending...
Are you a skilled seamstress and ready to take on the challenge? It's a great advantage to be able to sew, alter, improve, and simply recreate old garments, thus extending...
You can ask us a question by clicking on the green button below and we will reply as soon as we can.
You can also reach us by phone at 841-1111 during store opening hours.
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri 12:00 - 18:00
Sat 12:00 - 17:00
Sun 12:00 - 16:00
Space setup
Mon - Fri 11:00 - 12:00
Sat 11:00 - 12:00
Sun No setup
We are located at Þórunnartún 2 (on the corner of Borgartún and Þórunnartún), right near the Hlemmur Bus stop.
There is plenty of paid parking on the street and in the parking garage under Höfðatorg, one block east on Borgartún.
Parking can be found in the underground car park at Höfðatorg.
The car park has two entrances. The closest one to Hringekjan is abow the Fosshotel on Þórunnartún st.